
If you have been reading my blog for awhile you may remember what my favorite kind of day is.  Today was my favorite kind of day and that it happened on a Saturday made it even better.  The sky was bright blue with a few fluffy white clouds, there was a chill in the air and some wind.  This kind of day invigorates me.  It was a two sweater + pea coat kind of day.

On Saturdays when we don’t have something to keep us in the city, Rick and I like to hop on a train or three and get out.  Last night Rick asked me if I wanted to go to the John Lennon Museum.  A John Lennon Museum in Tokyo???? Well not exactly, it’s in Saitama to be exact.  Saitama is a city outside of Tokyo that is probably still considered part of the Tokyo Metropolitan area (population 25,000,000 approximately).  We took three trains to get there.  We didn’t get far enough outside the city to see open fields but far enough that it felt colder because there aren’t as many tall buildings.

The museum, located in the Saitama Super Dome, is the only one in the world of its kind and after a ten year run it will be closing later this year.  It was interesting and well done.  I enjoyed looking at the handwritten lyrics to his songs and listening to the music.  I was a huge Beatles fan growing up in Utah.  Most of my friends were not allowed to like the Beatles and mostly favored the Beach Boys.  I really never understood the screaming girls.  I remember going to a theater in downtown Salt Lake to the movie, A Hard Day’s Night and being so annoyed that all the girls in the audience screamed at the top of their lungs and I couldn’t hear the movie.  It was a great day out and now we are off to TGIF to chaperone a stake youth activity.

1 Comment

  1. Alex


    I love the new idea for a photo a day. It keeps me missing Tokyo!


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