
In elementary school we had two options for lunch; bring your lunch from home—you could only buy milk at school because there was no cafeteria, or walk home for lunch. Most of the time Susan and I would take our lunch to school because we liked the social aspect of eating with our classmates. We ate at our desks in our classroom and then got to go outside to play. I think our teachers just left us alone in the room because they ate in the teachers lounge. I think that’s why Mrs. Allen’s stature of Michelangelo’s, David got broken during lunch…Brian Cutright was goofing off and crashed into it. Going home for lunch usually meant opening a can of chicken noodle or beef with barley soup and making toast. We loved our toast…we buttered it before we toasted it and it was delicious. My dad did accuse us of ruining the toaster.

In junior high I still liked taking my lunch and remember that in 7th grade I ate the same thing everyday, green pepper slices, a white bread with mayo, tomato, cheese and lettuce sandwich and usually some Clover Club potato chips. My friends thought my lunch was disgusting. I really didn’t like the cafeteria food.

At Bountiful High School I liked very few items in the cafeteria. The cafeteria ladies got smart and realized that about half us didn’t want the full meal so they started selling us the things we liked. The brownies, peanut butter cookies with chocolate icing, and their yummy rolls. We didn’t eat that every day only on the days we didn’t go out to lunch. We had an open campus and after we started driving we would always go out. We mostly went to McDonald’s because it was fast. Sometimes, if we had early lunch we would go to the Spudnut Shop for hamburgers and donuts. I ate a lot of hamburgers in high school.