Jet Lag

Most of the time we lived in Texas we would make a pilgrimage to Utah to visit family every one or two years.  Sometimes we would fly, but most of the time we made the 24+ hour drive. I remember using jet lag as an excuse for cranky kids or being tired.  Good grief!!! It was a one hour time difference!!!!!

I returned to Tokyo last Thursday night.  That night I took Tylenol PM and slept all night.  Friday, I couldn’t fall asleep until 3 am and got up around 7am. Saturday I went to bed early and slept for 9 hours.  Yesterday I was exhausted at 8pm and went to bed waking up at 2:30am.  I had most of the laundry finished and the house cleaned before 5am.  Now if I can just stay awake until about 9pm tonight I should be okay.  If not I may make an appointment at this place I discovered on my 6am bike ride this morning.


  1. Alex

    I think Jet Lag is possible during finals week too 🙂

  2. Nicole

    You make me laugh. I have always been amazed at your traveling skills. I make the drive from Idaho once a week and I am spent. I love you and I miss you.

  3. Alison

    Sorry we missed you when you were here. We have had a lot going on. We would love to see you on your next trip to Utah if you have time.
    x Alison

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